Healthcare design for the home

Design thinking for respiratory care at home
Wanting to renew their icon of inhalation therapy, PARI asked us to develop a new and iconic design story for multiple products of the PARI compressor family, for both, home and professional settings, as well as different regions.
In DACH countries, PARI Boy is synonymous for inhalation therapy, a treatment option for a wide range of respiratory diseases, including chronic illnesses such as asthma and COPD.
The range of PARI boy inhalation systems, all of which include a compressor and a nebuliser, are suitable for use both at home as well as in a professional setting.

There were extraordinary constraints on cost, therefore there was a need to develop a strategy to reuse as many parts of the assembly for all products, as well as to keep the overall number of parts and complexitiy of manufacturing at a low level. At the same time maximum differentiation for product range options had to be possible.
We are proud about the four design awards (Red Dot Design Award, IF Design Award, 2x Plus X Award, among them best product of the year) we have won for our client PARI.

Insights from our design thinking process
During in-home and in-context observations, as well as guerilla studies, we learned about the needs and pain points of the users.
Our main findings were
the need to design the device in a way that it could be intuitively handled, even by small children
that the appearance should be clean, friendly, rather than
tool-like -
that it should fit into the home, as well as into a professional environment
that there should be better ways to manage cables and tubes
With these findings, we went into ideation workshops and design and prototyping phases.

The design goals we achieved:
A family-friendly, contemporary design family that can live in a home setting while being also suitable for professional settings.
A brand building design language and color and material concept.
Comfortable and simply moldable handle concepts in part managing the power cable and hose.
A platform approach which unifies the design and cuts cost and complexity on parts and assembly.
A minimum amount of parts, while still enabling to provide handles for all devices.